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Locking up secure


Folding doors rolling grilles and Security closers.

MobilFlex Grills are built tough to discourage the most determined thieves! Just ask your insurance agent. 


MobilFlex manufactures rolling grilles, roll-up doors, overhead doors, rolling shutters, folding doors, sliding grilles, side-folding grilles and side-folding closures. MobilFlex makes various styles of security grilles, accordion doors, shopping mall doors, mall closures and folding gates.





Door operators are divided into two categories:

Power-operated pedestrian doors and power-assist and low-energy power-assist doors.

Their operation, features and installation guidelines are found in the two definitive publications on the subject, sponsored by the Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association (BHMA) and published by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).

Low-energy and power-assist operators must comply with ANSI/BHMA A156.19, and power-operated pedestrian doors must comply with ANSI/BHMA A156.10.

Because door operators are used in buildings and installed on doors that serve as portals to enter, exit and move about a building, door operators also are subject to codes that address doors and accessibility, most notably by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).


Detex AO19 Series

The AO19 Series of automatic door operators is an easy-to-install, heavy-duty product that’s aimed at high-use and high-abuse low-energy applications. The self-contained unit in an extruded case provides easy access for maintenance and adjustments, and it works with existing access control, locking and computer signal devices.



The Solution

AllFire Access Pro Inc.  has a menu of services available to ensure that the integrity of the Fire compartment in your building is maintained. We can provide a complete package of competitively priced package solutions, offering a range of surveys, design and installation services that can be tailored to your needs and budget.


If you are responsible for the Fire Safety of a building.

contact AllFire Access Pro Inc.......for your future peace of mind...........!



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Call for Mobile Services


Give us a call at your convenience and we can arrange a time so we can present our products and services to you and your colleagues.

Mobile Service areas are around BC with main connections on the Lower Vancouver Island Comox, Port Alberni, Nanaimo, Ladysmith, Duncan, Victoria, Sooke, Sidney with the local Islands



Telephone 236-562-8850 cell



Safe & Secure

Proud distributor of doors, frames, locks and high-security products.

Certified Journeyman Locksmith, Extinguisher System Technician, Security Alarm Technician and Fire Door Inspector. 

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